A. Adeel Akhtar’s Affiliate Partnership Program

What is A. Adeel Akhtar’s Affiliate Partnership Program?

A. Adeel Akhtar’s is happy to have its affiliate partners on following terms and conditions:

  • 5% commission is awarded to affiliate partners on each sale
  • Bonus is awarded to each affiliate partner on achieving milestones in a given calendar month, such as:
    • 50 sales per month
    • 100 sales per month
    • 150 sales per month
    • 200 sales per month
    • 200+ sales per month
    • Special bonus is awarded on referring a new affiliate partner (Note: This bonus is awarded after first 20 sales of the referred affiliate partner)
  • Commission is transferred in the provided bank account between 10th and 20th of next month
  • Commission is only calculated if an order is received by the customer
  • Fraud/fake orders might result in termination of partnership with the affiliate partner

How does Affiliate Partnership Program works?

Its simple as 1,2,3 and 4.

  • Step 1: Fill in the following contact form with accurate information
  • Step 2: A representative from A. Adeel Akhtar’s will contact you to confirm your credentials
  • Step 3: After successful verification, you will be given a coupon. This coupon will give 10% off to your referred customers
  • Step 4: Every time a customer uses this coupon code at the checkout, you get 5% of the sale price

Sounds interesting? fill in the form below to apply for Affiliate Partnership Program of A. Adeel Akhtar’s. We are eager to welcome you to A. Adeel Akhtar’s family.


    Partner Information

    Partner Bank Details

    This will be used to transfer the commission